Saturday, April 15, 2017

Station Eleven prompt

English 101
Professor Amano-Tompkins
Essay 2, Station Eleven
April 10, 2017

Your second essay is to write a literary analysis of Station Eleven. You will choose one of the three prompts below and, by examining the characters and events in the book, write a 800 to1000-word essay. We have had discussions and presentations to prepare you for this assignment. 
You must think about the book and chose the prompt you feel you’d most like to write about.You are NOT being asked to summarize what happened in the book.  To complete the assignment satisfactorily, you must offer original insight into the book. You must use examples in order to prove the validity of your thinking. Your paper should be interesting, show imagination, and demonstrate the strength of your writing skills. 
You must use Microsoft Word or Pages and use MLA format. You must turn in a printed version AND have turn in your essay at 

Chose one of the two prompts below.

1.  The Traveling Symphony’s motto is “Because survival is insufficient,” a line from Star Trek: Voyager. Why did they choose this as a motto, and given the conditions of  life in the post-flu world, what did it mean to them?

2. Certain items turn up again and again, for instance the comic books and the paperweight—things Arthur gave away before he died, because he didn’t want any more possessions. Examine the objects that people hung on to, and check out the things at Clark’s Museum of Civilization. Because of the new, changed world, what you and I might think of as mundane belongings into totems worthy of study. Explain how a changed context can alter the meaning of an object.

3. Why do you think the author, Emily St. John Mandel, chose to name her novel after Miranda’s comic book?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Evaluating sources: overview